1. I. ROUSE, American Antiquity, 25 (1960) 313.
2. K. GRUEL, Eutde typologique et analytique du trésor de Trébry, Thèse de 3ème cycle, Université Paris IV, 1979, p. 91. (to be published).
3. H. Mc KERREL, R. P. K. STEVENSON, in Methods of Chemical and Metallurgical Investigation of Ancient Coinage, E. D. HALL, D. M. METCALF (Eds), London, 1972, pp. 195–209.
4. F. WIDEMANN, F. LAUBENHEIMER, M. ATTAS, P. FONTES, K. GRUEL, J. LEBLANC, J. LLERES, Archaeophysika (Bonn), 10 (1978) 317.
5. F. WIDEMANN, Latomus, 160 (1979) 47.