1. Ramm, H.: Theoretisches Modell zur Beschreibung des Impuls- und Energietransports in turbulenter Kanalströmung. Diss. Techn. Univ. Berlin 1974
2. Ramm, H.; Johannsen, K.: Turbulent transport properties for thermal design of LMFBR Cores. Trans. Amer. Nucl. Soc. 15 (1972) 857/858
3. Ramm, H.; Johannsen, K.: Hydrodynamics and heat transfer in regular arrays of circular tubes. Int. Seminar on “Recent Developments in Heat Exchangers”, Trogir, Yugoslavia 1972
4. Ramm, H.; Johannsen, K.: Radial and tangential turbulent diffusivities of heat and momentum transfer in liquid metals. Progress in Heat and Mass Transfer 7 (1973) 45/58
5. Gärtner, D.; Johannsen, K.; Ramm, H.: Turbulent heat transfer in a circular tube with circumferentially varying thermal boundary conditions. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 17 (1974) 1003/1018