1. ANDEWEG, A. H.; WATTERSON, J. J. W. (Univ. of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (South Africa). Nuclear Physics Research Unit). Council for Mineral Technology, Randburg (South Africa)): The development of an automatic sample-changer and control instrumentation for isotope-source neutron-activation analysis. MINTEK-M-53. ISBN 0-86999-591-X. 15 Mar 1983. 39 p. MF available from INIS.
2. ANISIMOV, Yu. S.; ZANEVSKIJ, Yu. V.; IVANOV, A. B.; MOVCHAN, S. A.; PESHEKHONOV, V. D.; CHERNENKO, S. P.; ANDRIANOVA, M. E.; POPOV, A. N.; SIMONOV, V. I.; KHEIKER, D. M. (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of High Energy; AN SSSR, Moscow. Inst. Kristallografii): Coordinate X-ray diffractometer based on a two-coordinate multiwire proportional chamber and a two circle goniometer. (In Russian). Koordinatnyj rentgenovskij difreaktometr na osnove dvukhkoordinatnoj proportsional'noj kamery i dvukruzhnogo goniometra. JINR-18-81-426. 1981. 11 p.; submitted to the journal J. Appl. Crystallogr. MF available from INIS.
3. ANON. (Systems. Science and Software, La Jolla, CA (USA)): Detector module for gas monitor. UK patent document 1580288/A/. Int. Cl. G01n27/66. 3 Dec 1980. 6 p. MF available from INIS.
4. ANON. (Stanford Univ., CA (USA). Board of Trustees.): Spectral decompostion imaging system using penetrating radiation such as X-rays. UK patent document 1589592/A/. Int. Cl. A6lk6/00; G01n23/06. 13 May 1981. 11 p. MF available from INIS.
5. ANON. X-ray fluorescent analyser.New Equip. News. ISSN 0028-498X. (Jan 1983). p. 83. Short note.