1. Analysis of Panel Data (1987) Proceedings of the Round Table Conference on the Longitudinal Travel Study. Projectbureau for Integrated Traffic and Transportation Studies, The Hague
2. Baanders A & Slootman KCP (1983) A panel for longitudinal research into travel behavior. In: Carpenter S & Jones P (Eds) Recent Advances in Travel Demand Analysis (pp 450?464) Gower, Hampshire, England
3. BGC (1985a) Analyse panelmeting ten behoeve van het onderzoek Tarievenplan (Analysis of panel wave for the fares policy analysis), Report for the Projectbureau IVVS, The Hague
4. BGC (1985b) Analyse - deel A Longitudinaal Verplaatsingsonderzoek. Meting 1 maart 1984, meting 2 september 1984, meting 3 maart 1985 (Analysis - Part A: Longitudinal Mobility Panel. Wave 1: March 1984; Wave 2: September 1984; Wave 3: March 1985), Report for the Projectbureau IWS, The Hague
5. BGC (1985c) Panel steekproefopzet en -verwerking. Technisch rapport (Panel sample structure and data processing: Technical report), Report for the Projectbureau IVVS, The Hague