1. Open Cycle M. H. D. Power Generation, J. G. Heywood, and G. J. Womack, eds., Pergamon Press, 1969.
2. S. Petty, A. Dermijian, and A Solbes: 16th Symposium on Engineering Aspects of MHD, Pittsburgh, May, 1977.
3. J. K. Koester, M. E. Rodgers, and R. H. Eustis: Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Engineering Aspects of MHD, Philadelphia, PA, May, 1976.
4. M. E. Rodgers,et al, Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Engineering aspects of MHD, Pittsburgh, Pa., May, 1977.
5. A. J. Armstrong, W. R. Hosier, and H. P. R. Frederiske: ERDA Contract E(49-l)-3800 Report, NBS, September 30, 1976.