1. A. V. Aho, “Indexed grammars, an extension of context free grammars”, Princeton Univ. Doct. Thesis, 1967. Also seeIEEE Conf. Record of Eighth Annual Symp. on Switching and Automata Theory. Austin, Tex., October, 1967.
2. A. V. Aho, J. E. Hopcroft andJ. D. Ullman, Tape and time complexity of pushdown automaton languages,Information and Control, to appear.
3. Y. Bar-Hillel, M. Perles andE. Shamir, On formal properties of simple phrase structure grammars,Z. Phonetik Sprachwiss. Kommunikat. 14 (1961), 143–172.
4. D. C. Cantor, On the ambiguity problem of Backus systems,J. Assoc. Comput. Mach. 9 (1962), 477–479.
5. N. Chomsky, “Context-free grammars and pushdown storage”,Quart. Prog. Dept. No.65 M.I.T. Res. Lab. Elect., 1962, pp. 187–194.