1. Asserson A, Jeffery KG. Research Output Publications and CRIS. In Nase A, van Grootel G, editors. Proceedings CRIS2004 Conference, Leuven University Press; ISBN 90 5867 3839 May 2004; pp. 29–40 (available under www.eurocris.org).
2. Jeffery KG. An Architecture for Grey Literature in a R&D Context. Proceedings GL’99 (Grey Literature) Conference, Washington DC, October 1999; http://www.konbib.nl/greynet/frame4.htm
3. Jeffery KG. Metadata. In: Brinkkemper J, Lindencrona E, Solvberg A, editors. Information systems engineering. London: Springer Verlag; 2000; ISBN 1-85233-317-0.
4. Jeffery KG. GRIDs, databases and information systems engineering research. In: Bertino E, Christodoulakis S, Plexousakis D, Christophies V, Koubarakis M, Bohm K, Ferrari E, editors. Advances in database technology—EDBT 2004 Springer LNCS2992 pp. 3–16; ISBN 3-540-21200-0; March 2004.
5. Jeffery KG. The new technologies: can CRISs Benefit. In: Nase A, van Grootel G, editors. Proceedings CRIS2004 Conference, Leuven University Press; ISBN 90 5867 3839; May 2004 pp. 77–88 (available under www.eurocris.org).