1. International Scale of Nuclear Events (INES). Manual for Users of INES. Vienna (Austria), IAEA (1991).
2. D. L. Laikhtman, Physics of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer [in Russian], Hydromet. izd-vo, Leningrad (1970).
3. Meteorology and Atomic Energy [Russian translation], Izd. Gidromet., Leningrad (1971).
4. V. P. Mashkovich, Handbook of Shielding from Ionizing Radiations [in Russian], Énergoatomizdat, Moscow (1982), pp. 137–144.
5. N. G. Gusev and V. A. Belyaev, Handbook of Radioactive Emissions into the Biosphere [in Russian], Énergoatomizdat, Moscow (1986).