1. Albert, D. Z.: 1992,Quantum Mechanics and Experience, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
2. DeWitt, B. S.: 1971, ?The Many-Universes Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics?, inFoundations of Quantum Mechanics, Academic Press, New York; reprinted in DeWitt and Graham (1973).
3. DeWitt, B. S. and N. Graham (eds.): 1973,The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
4. Everett, H., III: 1957, ??Relative State? Formulation of Quantum Mechanics?,Reviews of Modern Physics 29, 454?462; reprinted in DeWitt and Graham (1973).
5. Everett, H., III: 1973, ?Theory of the Universal Wave Function?, in DeWitt and Graham, (eds.), 1973.