1. Baldwin, Cinda K. 1993 Great and Noble Jar: Traditional Stoneware of South Carolina. University of Georgia Press, Athens.
2. Barrick, Mac E. 1987 German-American Folklore. August House, Little Rock, AR.
3. Brown, Ethel Gibbs 1987 Interview with Mrs. Ethel Gibbs Brown. Cassette tape, Department of Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
4. Burrison, John A. 1983 Brothers in Clay: The Story of Georgia Folk Pottery. University of Georgia Press, Athens.
5. Cabak, Melanie A., and Mary M. Inkrot 1997 Old Farm, New Farm: An Archaeology of Rural Modernization in the Aiken Plateau, 1875–1950. South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina, Savannah River Archaeological Research Papers, No. 9. Columbia.