1. H. Poincaré, in: The Principle of Relativity [Russian translations], Atomizdat (1973), p. 90, 118.
2. V. A. Fock, The Theory of Space, Time and Gravitation, Oxford (1964), pp§§57, 58.
3. B. M. Barbashov and N. A. Chernikov, Preprint R-2151 [in Russian], JINR, Dubna (1965).
4. B. M. Barbashov and N. A. Chernikov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz.,50, 1296 (1966).
5. B. M. Barbashov and N. A. Chernikov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz.,51, 658 (1966).