High manganese and nickel concentrations in human hair and well water and low calcium concentration in blood serum in a pristine area with sulphide-rich bedrock


Kousa AnneORCID,Loukola-Ruskeeniemi KirstiORCID,Hatakka Tarja,Kantola Marjatta


AbstractWe report the trace element status of residents living in areas with naturally sulphide-rich bedrock and soil in two municipalities in Finland, Sotkamo and Kaavi. Altogether, 225 people from these sparsely populated regions participated voluntarily by providing hair and blood samples. The concentrations of calcium, zinc and copper in serum as well as selenium and cadmium in whole blood did not show correlation with those concentrations in hair samples. Calcium concentration in serum was slightly lower in the sulphide-rich areas (median value 91.4 mg/l, n = 103) than in the areas with adjacent sulphur-poor bedrock (median value 93.6 mg/l, n = 82). The concentrations of Ni and Mn in hair correlated with those in drinking water. The highest Mn and Ni concentrations in the water samples from private wells were 1620 µg/l and 51 µg/l and the highest concentrations in human hair samples 36.44 mg/kg and 12.3 mg/kg, respectively. The challenge with elevated trace element concentrations in some well waters is well documented. In northern countries (Finland, Sweden, Norway and Canada), only 10% of the population depend on private well water, and 90% have access to monitored municipal water supplies. Compared with data available from sulphide mine sites globally, the nickel and manganese concentrations in human hair samples were high in our sulphide-rich study area at Sotkamo representing the trace element status of residents under natural conditions.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Geochemistry and Petrology,General Environmental Science,Water Science and Technology,Environmental Chemistry,General Medicine,Environmental Engineering

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