Geochemical characterisation of the thermo-mineral waters of Greece


Vigni Lorenza Li,Daskalopoulou Kyriaki,Calabrese Sergio,Kyriakopoulos Konstantinos,Parello Francesco,Brugnone Filippo,D’Alessandro WalterORCID


AbstractGeothermal areas of Greece are located in regions affected by recent volcanism and in continental basins characterised by elevated heat flow. Many of them are found along the coast, and thus, water is often saline due to marine intrusion. In the current study, we present about 300 unpublished and literature data from thermal and cold mineral waters collected along Greece. Samples were analysed for major ions, Li, SiO2 and isotopes in water. Measured temperatures range from 6.5 to 98 °C, pH from 1.96 to 11.98, while Total Dissolved Solutes (TDS) from 0.22 to 51 g/L. Waters were subdivided into four main groups: (1) thermal; (2) cold; (3) acidic (pH < 5); and (4) hyperalkaline (pH > 11). On statistical basis, thermal waters were subdivided into subgroups according to both their temperature [warm (< 29 °C), hypothermal (29–48 °C), thermal (48–75 °C) and hyperthermal (> 75 °C)] and TDS [low salinity (< 4 g/L), brackish (4–30 g/L) and saline (> 30 g/L)]. Cold waters were subdivided based on their pCO2 [low (< 0.05 atm), medium (0.05–0.85 atm) and high (> 0.85 atm)]. δ18O–H2O ranges from − 12.7 to + 2.7‰ versus SMOW, while δ2H–H2O from − 91 to + 12‰ versus SMOW being generally comprised between the Global Meteoric Water Line and the East Mediterranean Meteoric Water Line. Positive δ18O shifts with respect to the former are mostly related to mixing with seawater, while only for a few samples these shifts point to high-temperature water–rock interaction processes. Only a few thermal waters gave reliable geothermometric estimates, suggesting reservoir temperatures between 80 and 260 °C.


Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Geochemistry and Petrology,General Environmental Science,Water Science and Technology,Environmental Chemistry,General Medicine,Environmental Engineering

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