1. FKM-Guideline “Analytical Strength assessment”, VDMA Publ., 5th Edition (2003, in German and English).
2. FKM-Guideline “Fracture mechanics proof of strength for engineering components”, VDMA Publ., 1st Edition (2001, in German), 2nd Edition (2004, in German and English), 3rd Edition (2005, in German).
3. FracSafe: Software to FKM-Guideline Fracture Mechanics proof of strength for engineering components, VDMA Publ., www.fracsafe.de .
4. SINTAP: Structural Integrity Assessment Procedure for European industry, Report BE95–1426, 1999.
5. Assessment of the Integrity of structures containing defects, R/H/R6-Revision 3, British Energy, 1998.