1. GSSSD 103-87. Tables of standard reference data ?Energy, absolute intensity of alpha radiation, and half-life of the radionuclides of226Ra in equilibrium with the daughter products (222Rn,218Po,214Po,210Po),233U,238Pu,239Pu.?
2. Yu. V. Khol'nov et al., Characteristic of the radiation of radioactive nuclides used in the national economy. Appraised data [in Russian], Atomizdat, Moscow (1980).
3. Yu. V. Khol'nov et al., Appraised values of the nuclear-physical characteristics of radionuclides used in the national economy [in Russian], Énergoizdat, Moscow (1982).
4. V. P. Chechev et al., Abstracts of reports at the 37th Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy and the Structure of Atomic Nuclei, Leningrad (1987), p. 556 (see [33] cited there).
5. B. Grinberg and A. Rytz, Metrologia,7, 65 (1971).