1. R. H. G. Helleman, in Fundamental Problems in Statistical Mechanics, Vol. 5., ed. E. G. D. Cohen, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1980.
2. A. J. Lichtenberg and M. A. Lieberman, Regular and Stochastic Motion, Springer, N. Y., 1983.
3. H. G. Schuster, Deterministic Chaos, VHC Publishers, Weinheim, 1984.
4. H. Poincaré, Les méthodes nouvelles de la mécanique céleste, Gauthier Villars, Paris 1892.
5. M. Misiurewicz, Maps of an interval, in: Chaotic Behaviour of Deterministic Systems, ed. G. Ioos, R. H. G. Helleman and R. Stora, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1983.