1. C. R. Boër, F. Jovane: “Computer Aided Design of Forming Systems,” presented at Forming Session, CIRP, 1984.
2. C. R. Boër, G. Schröder: “Process Modelling of Forging with Heated Dies — Application to a Nickel-Base Alloy,”Annals of the CIRP. 1982, vol. 21, no. 1, p. 197.
3. C.R. Boër, G. Schröder: “Heat Transfer During Hot Die Upsetting in Heated Dies,” 20th MTDR Conference, 1980.
4. C. R. Boër, H. Rydstad, G. Schröder: “Process Modelling for Upsetting of Cylindrical Billets: Experimental Verification of Heat Transfer Calculations,” ASM Metal Congress, 1981.
5. T. Altan et al.; “Forging Equipment, Materials and Practices.” Metals and Ceramics Information Center, 1973.