1. Anderson, Robert S., and Stewart B. Peck 1985 The Insects and Arachnids of Canada, Part 13. The Carrion Beetles of Canada and Alaska. Coleoptera: Silphidae and Argytidae. Agriculture Canada Publication 1778. Minister of Supply and Services, Ottawa.
2. Balicki, Joseph 1995 Executive Summary, Archaeological Data Recovery, Feature 4, Cross Street Back Lot Site (BOS-HA-13), Boston, Massachusetts. Prepared by John Milner Associates, Inc., Alexandria, VA. Submitted to Timelines, Inc., Littleton, MA, and Central Artery/ Tunnel Project, Bechtel/Parsons Brinckerhoff, Boston.
3. Bousquet, Yves 1990 Beetles Associated with Stored Products in Canada: An Identification Guide. Agriculture Canada Publication 1837. Minister of Supply and Services, Ottawa.
4. Bousquet, Yves (editor) 1991 Checklist of Beetles of Canada and Alaska. Agriculture Canada Publication 1861/E. Minister of Supply and Services, Ottawa.
5. Breese, M. H., and Thelma E. Wise 1959 The Biology of Nausibius clavicornis (Kug.) (Col., Cucujidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research 50:237–258.