1. Alabama State Department of Education 1951 A Survey Report of the Dallas County Schools, School Year 1950–1951. Research and Survey Series 109. Alabama State Board of Education, Montgomery.
2. Alabama Historical Commission 1993 Alabama Historical Commission Strategic Plan. Manuscript on file, Alabama Historical Commission, Montgomery.
3. Benn, Alvin 1990 Selma Still Struggling to Gain Racial Unity. Montgomery Advertiser and Alabama Journal, 11 February: 1A–3A.
4. Christian Benevolent Society [Cahaba, AL] [1959] Christian Benevolent Society Record Book. Duplicate on file, Old Cahawba Archaeological Park, Alabama Historical Commission, Orrville.
5. Dallas County Office of Probate [AL] 1883 Map of Cahaba, Alabama, Showing the Property of Samuel Kirkpatrick. Map Book 1:184. Selma, AL.