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2. Alerby, E. (2000). A way of visualising children’s and young people’s thoughts about the environment: A study of drawings. Environmental Education Research, 6(3), 205–222.
3. Alerby, E. (2003). During the break we have fun: A study concerning pupils’ experience of school. Educational Research, 45(1), 17–28.
4. Alerby, E. (2008). In school you learn to get on in life: Sámi children in Sweden. In E. Alerby & J. Brown (Eds.), Voices from the margins: School experiences of indigenous, refugee and migrant children. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
5. Alerby, E. (2012). Om tystnad – I pedagogiska sammanhang [About silence – in educational settings]. Lund, Swedon: Studentlitteratur.