1. Beknopte didaxologie (Foundations of teaching).(1974); German and Fernch translations 1975, 1979. Co-authored with Geerligs, Lagerweij, Peters and Vandenberghe
2. Learning and instruction. European research in an international context. (1987). Co-editor with Lodewijks, Parmentier, and Span.
3. Groeien in onderwijzen. Handleiding voor leerkrachten basisonderwijs. Deel 1 en Deel 2. (Growing in teaching. Manual for primary school teachers. Part 1 and 2). (1988/1990). Co-authored with Vandenberghe et al.
4. International encyclopedia of developmental and instructional psychology. (1996). Co-editor with Weinert.
5. Making sense of word problems. (2000). Co-aunthor with Verschaffel and Greer.