1. Beck DE, Della-Bianca L (1970) Yield of unthinned yellow-poplar. Southeast For Exp Sta USDA For Serv Res Paper SE-25
2. Brown RM, Gevorkiantz, SR (1934) Volume yield and stand tables for tree species in the Lake States. Univ. Minn Ag Exp Stn Tech Bull 39
3. Clark A, Schroeder JG (1977) Biomass of yellow-poplar in natural stands in western North Carolina. Southeast For Exp Stn USDA For Serv Res Paper SE-165
4. Ek AR (1974) Dimensional relationships of forest and open grown trees in Wisconsin. Univ Wis Forestry Res Note 181
5. Forbes RD (1955) Forestry Handbook. New York: Ronald Press