1. Y. P. Chyou, ?Modeling of Thermal Plasma Systems,? Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota (1987).
2. Y. P. Chyou and E. Pfender, ?Plasma Jets with Superimposed Vortex Flows? (1988), to be published.
3. B. Waldie, ?Review of Recent Work on the Processing of Powders in High-Temperature Plasmas, Part II: Particle Dynamics, Heat Transfer, and Mass Transfer,?Chem. Eng. (London), 188 (1972).
4. R. M. Young, and E. Pfender, ?Generation and Behavior of Fine Particles in Thermal Plasmas?A Review,?Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 5, 1 (1985).
5. E. Pfender and Y. C. Lee, ?Particle Dynamics and Particle Heat and Mass Transfer in Thermal Plamas, Part I: The Motion of a Single Particle without Thermal Effects,?Plasma Chem. Plasma Process 5, 211 (1985).