I-European research, the cradle of the discovery of the antidiabetic hormone: the pioneer roles and the relevance of Oskar Minkowski and Eugène Gley


de Leiva-Hidalgo AlbertoORCID,de Leiva-Pérez Alejandra


Abstract Aims The introduction of hormonal treatment in severe diabetes in 1922 represented a clinical and social impact similar to that of antibiotic therapy. In October 1923, the Assembly of the Karolinska Institute decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to the Canadian Frederick Grant Banting and the Scottish John James Rickard Macleod, researchers at the University of Toronto (UT), for "the discovery of insulin a year before". A few weeks later, European and American researchers protested the decision. The controversy remains to this day. Methods We have conducted a comprehensive review of primary and critical sources focused on the organotherapy of animal and human diabetes mellitus since 1889, when Oskar Minkowski demonstrated the induction of experimental diabetes by total pancreatectomy in the dog, until the spring of 1923, when the Nobel Foundation had already received all the nominations for the award in Physiology or Medicine. Results The in-depth analysis of all these sources revealed that Europe was the cradle of the discovery of the antidiabetic hormone. The discovery involved multiple research steps headed by a long list of key investigators, mainly European. Conclusion Marcel Eugène Émile Gley was the first to demonstrate the presence of the “antidiabetic principle” in extracts from “sclerosed” pancreas. The French physiologist pioneered the successful reduction of glycosuria and diabetic symptoms by the parenteral administration of pancreatic extracts to depancreatized dogs in experiments developed between 1890 and 1905, antedating insulin in two decades.


Fundación Privada Diabetes Endocrinologia Y Metabolisme: Fundacion Diabem

Institute of Biomedical Research, Hospital de Sant Pau-Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Endocrinology,General Medicine,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism,Internal Medicine

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