Hybrid transnational advocacy networks in environmental protection: banning the use of cyanide in European gold mining


Bocse Alexandra-MariaORCID


AbstractThis paper contributes theoretically, empirically and methodologically to the literature on transnational advocacy networks (TANs). This study is guided by two associated research questions: ‘How are TANs structured?’ and ‘What relation is established between the TANs’ structure and their efficiency?’ The paper shows that environmental transnational advocacy networks are not as horizontal as assumed in the TANs literature. Elements of hierarchy are present in networks through highly connected and/or strategically positioned nodes. This paper shows that elements of hierarchy are introduced in networks to facilitate information exchange and decision-making. The paper studies for the first time the TAN advocating the ban of cyanide-based mining in Europe in the late 2000s–early 2010s. The network aimed to impact the EU environmental legislative framework, as well as contribute to the implementation of international agreements on pollution prevention and biodiversity protection. This study draws on extensive fieldwork (including interviews with forty-five members of the network) conducted in several European countries in which the network developed and maintains branches. The study innovates methodologically by combining content analysis and social network analysis in the process of determining the more central actors of the network studied.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Law,Political Science and International Relations,Economics and Econometrics

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