1. S. A. Colgate andR.E. Wright:Proc. of the Second Intern. Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, vol.32 (Geneva, 1958), p. 145
2. Nihon University Fusion Group:Fusion Research Project in Nihon University, Kaku-yugo-kenkyu (a mimeographed circular in Japanese),2, 108 (1959).
3. S. Hamada, H. Ohnishi, M. Sato, G. Tominaga, T. Uchida, M. Yokota andH. Yoshimura:Radial Contraction Experiments of Plasmas with a Slow Rise of the External Magnetic Field (1960), unpublished.
4. A. von Engel:Ionized Gases (Oxford, 1955);J. M. Meek andJ. D. Craggs:Electriral Breakdown of Gases (Oxford, 1953).
5. H. Alfvén:Cosmical Electrodynamics (Oxford, 1950), chap. II.