1. M. A. Mikheev, Coll.: Heat Transfer and Thermal Simulation [in Russian] (Izd-vo AN SSSR, Moscow, 1959) p. 122.
2. A. Colburn, Trans. Amer. Inst. Chem. Engrs.29, 174 (1933).
3. M. A. Mikheev and A. S. Sinel'nikov, Transactions of the Scientific Research Institutes. Collection of Papers from the Engineering Physics Department [in Russian] (1931), Vol. 1, No. 433.
4. A. Ya. Inayatov and M. A. Mikheev, Teplo�nergetika 3, 48 (1957).
5. I. V. KipriyanoV, Collection of Papers from the Central Committee for Heavy Industry: Heat Transfer and Aerodynamics [in Russian] (1952) Book 22.