1. Bergson, Henri. 1946. Creative Mind. Trans. by M. Andison. New York: Philosophical Library.
2. ____. 1998. Creative Evolution. Trans. by A. Mitchell. New York: Dover Publications.
3. Guo, Qingfan 郭慶藩. 1990. Collected Explanations on the Zhuangzi 莊子集釋. Beijing 北京: Zhonghua Shuju 中華書局.
4. Hegel, G.W.F. 1970. Philosophy of Nature. Trans. by M. Petry. 3 vols. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
5. Heidegger, Martin. 1985. History of the Concept of Time. Trans. by T. Kisiel. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.