1. Ames, T. Roger, and Henry Rosemont, Jr. 1998. The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation. New York: Ballantine Pub. Group.
2. Chan, Wing-tsit, trans. and comp. 1973. A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
3. Habermas, Jürgen. 1974. Theory and Practice. Trans. by J. Viertel. London: Heinemann.
4. Husserl, Edmund. 1970. Crisis of European Science and Transcendental Phenomenology. Trans. by David Carr. Evanston: Northwestern University Press.
5. Ladrière, Jean. 2004. La foi chrétienne et le Destin de la raison. Paris: Les Editions du Cerf.