1. Steel Founders’ Society of America Special Report No. 30, SFSA, Crystal Lake, IL, 1998.
2. C. Beckermann, X. Shen, J. Gu, and R.A. Hardin: 1997 SFSA Technical and Operating Conf., SFSA, Crystal Lake, IL, 1997.
3. H.F. Bishop and W.S. Pellini: Am. Foundrymen’s Soc. Trans., 1950, vol. 58, pp. 185–97.
4. H.F. Bishop, E.T. Myskowski, and W.S. Pellini: Am. Foundrymen’s Soc. Trans., 1951, vol. 59, pp. 171–80.
5. E.T. Myskowski, H.F. Bishop, and W.S. Pellini: Am. Foundrymen’s Soc. Trans., 1952, vol. 60, pp. 389–400.