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2. A.I. Okunev and V.S. Bovykin: Proc. Acad. Sci. (USSR), Chem. Sect., 1957, vol. 112, pp. 13–15 (English Translation).
3. W.G. Davenport: Master’s Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 1960.
4. A.W. Richards and D.F.J. Thorne: Intl. Conf. on Physical Chemistry of Process Metallurgy, Pittsburgh, PA, G.R. St. Pierre, ed., Interscience, NY, 1961, vol. 1, pp. 277–91.
5. B.V. Lebed and V.I. Smirnov: Dokl. Akad Nauk SSSR, 1962, vol. 147, pp. 159–61.