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2. Johansson S (1988) in: J.J.C. Hoo (ed) Effect of Steel Manufacturing Processes on the Quality of Bearing Steels. Baltimore: ASTM, pp. 250–262.
3. German Standard Microscopical Examination of Special Steels for Non-Metallic Inclusions Using Standard Micrograph Charts (VDEh 1570-71).
4. ASTM E 45-97, in Standard Test Methods for Determining the Inclusion Content of Steel, ASM International, Materials Park.
5. D.J. Dyson, A.J. Rose, M.M. Whitwood, and D. P. Wilcox: Clean Steel 5: Fifth International Conference on Clean Steel, Vol. 2, Balatonfured, Hungary, 2–4 June 1997, pp. 68–78.