1. W. J. McCroskey, P. Kutler, and J. O. Bridgeman, AGARD Structures and Materials Panel Specialist' Meeting on ?Transonic Unsteady Aerodynamics and its Aeroelastic Applications,? Sept. 3?5 (1984), Paper No. 9.
2. C. Bouffinier and M. Grandotto, Commissariat � l'�nergie Atomique, Cadarache, France, Proc. Int. Symp. Refined Turbulence Model. Turbulence Measure., C11, University of Iowa, Ames, Sept. 16?18 (1985).
3. J. Kestin, Boundary Layer Theory (translation of H. Schlichting's book) (McGraw-Hill, New York, Toronto, London, 1960), pp. 75?76.
4. L. N. Persen, AGARD Conference Proceedings No. 308, Symposium on Fluid Dynamics of Jets with Applications to V/Stol, Lisbon, Portugal, Nov. 2?5 (1981).
5. L. N. Persen, DGLR-Vortrag Nr. 81-013, Jahrestagung der DGLR, Aachen, May 11?14 (1981).