1. N.A. Logan, Survey of some early studies of the scattering of plane waves by a sphere. Proc. IEEE 53(8), 773–785 (1965)
2. M.T. Prinkey, A. Lakhtakia, B. Shanker, On the extended Maxwell–Garnett and the extended Bruggeman approaches for dielectric-in-dielectric composites. Optik 96(1), 25–30 (1994)
3. L.V. Lorenz, Lysvevægelsen i og uden for en af plane lysbølger belyst kugle. K Dan Vidensk Selsk Forh 6(6), 1–62 (1890). The significance of this paper is discussed in Refs. 1 and 5
4. L.V. Lorenz, Sur la lumière réfléchie et réfractee par une sphère transparente, in Oeuvres Scientifiques de L. Lorenz, Revues et annotées par H. Valentine, vol. 1, Libraire Lehmann et Stage, Copenhagen (1898); pp. 404–502. This is a French translation of Ref. 3. The translator has provided 27 pages of comments after the translated paper
5. H. Kragh, Ludvig Lorenz and 19th century optical theory: the work of a great Danish scientist. Appl. Opt. 30(33), 4688–4695 (1991)