1. I. D. Morokhov (editor), Nuclear Science and Technology in the USSR [in Russian], Atomizdat, Moscow (1977), p. 153.
2. V. B. Shevchenko et al., Fourth Geneva Conference (1977), Report of the USSR No. 435.
3. V. V. Fomin et al., At. Energ.,43, No. 6, 481 (1977).
4. J. Souteron et al., in: Proc. Intern. Conf. on Nuclear Power and Its Fuel Cycle, Salzburg, May 2?13, 1977, IAEA-CN-36/567.
5. R. Allardice et al., ibid in: Proc. Intern. Conf. on Nuclear Power and Its Fuel Cycle, Salzburg, May 2?13, 1977, IAEA-CN-36/66.