1. M. A. Streicher:Corrosion, 1974, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 77–91.
2. W. O. Binder and H. R. Spendelow:Trans. ASM, 1951, vol. 43, pp. 759–72.
3. E. Baerlecken, W. A. Fischer; and K. Lorenz:Stahl Eisen, 1961, vol. 81, no. 12, pp. 768–78.
4. H. Brandis, H. Kiesheyer, and G. Lennartz:Arch. Eisenhuettenw., 1975, vol. 46, pp. 799–803.
5. J. G. McMullen, S. F. Reiter, and D. G. Ebeling:Trans. ASM, 1954, vol. 46, pp. 799–806.