1. Bo 72 Bourbaki, N., Groupes et algèbres de Lie, Chap. 1–8, Paris Hermann, 1972.
2. Br 73 Brockett, R.W., Lie algebras and Lie groups in control theory, in: Geometric methods in systems theory, D.Reidel, Hingham, Mass., 1973, pp. 43–82.
3. Gr 79 Graham, G., Differentiability and semigroups, Dissertation, Univ. of Houston, 1979.
4. Gr 83 — Differentiable semigroups, Lecture Notes in Math.998 (1983), 57–127.
5. HH 83a Hilgert, J. and K.H. Hofmann, The S1 (2)-Handbook I, II, and III, Notes of the Seminar Lie Theory of Semigroups SLS 05-27-83, 06-14-83, and 10-01-83, respectively.