1. Beebe, P. S.: 1972, ?Turbulent Flow Over a Wavey Boundary? Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, 113 pp, also THEMIS Technical Report No. 16, June 1972.
2. Bell, R. C. and Thompson, R. O. R. Y.: 1980, ?Valley Ventilation by Cross Winds?,J. Fluid Mech. 96, 757?767.
3. Britter, R. E.: 1974, ?An Experiment on Turbulence in a Density Stratified Fluid?, Ph.D. thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia.
4. Cermak, J. E. and Petersen, R. A.: 1981, ?Physical Modeling of Downslope Mountain Wind and Atmospheric Dispersion?,Proc. Fourth U.S. National Conference Wind Engineering Research, Seattle, Washington, 11 pp.
5. Cunningham, W. J. Jr. and Bedard, A. J. Jr.: 1992, ?The Removal of Inversion Layers from Mountain Valleys by an Upper Level Flow: A Scale Model Study?, 30th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 6?9, 1992, Reno, Nevada, AIAA Paper No. 92-0288, 6 pp.