Tessera Romain,Tointon Matthew
AbstractWe give a short geometric proof of a result of Soardi and Woess and Salvatori that a quasitransitive graph is amenable if and only if its automorphism group is amenable and unimodular. We also strengthen one direction of that result by showing that if a compactly generated totally disconnected locally compact group admits a proper Lipschitz action on a bounded degree amenable graph then that group is amenable and unimodular. We pass via the notion of geometric amenability of a locally compact group, which has previously been studied by the second author and is defined by analogy with amenability, only using right Følner sets instead of left Følner sets. We also introduce a notion of uniform geometric non-amenability of a locally compact group, and relate this notion in various ways to actions of that group on graphs and to its modular homomorphism.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC