1. Briggs, G.A.: 1969, Plume Rise. USAEC Critical Review Series, TID-25075, Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information.
2. ATDL Cont. 79;G.A. Briggs,1973
3. Briggs, G.A.: 1975, ?Plume Rise Predictions?, Lectures on Air Pollution and Environmental Impact Analyses, American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, pp 59?111.
4. Businger, J.A.: 1973, ?Turbulence Transfer in the Atmospheric Surface Layer?, Workshop in Micrometeorology. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 45 Beacon St., Boston, MA 67?100.
5. Caughey, S.J.: 1982, ?Observed Characteristics of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer?. Atmospheric Turbulence and Air Pollution Modeling. F.T.M. Nieuwstadt and H. Van Dop (eds.) Reidel Dordecht, Holland.