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2. Andreka, H., Nemeti, I.: Completeness of Floyd logic. Bull.Section of Logic, Vol 7, Wroclaw 1978, 115–120.
3. Andreka,H., Nemeti,I., Sain,I.: A complete first order logic. MTA MKI Preprint, 1978.
4. Andreka, H., Nemeti, I., Sain, I.: Completeness problems in verification of programs and program schemes. In: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science '79, ed.: J. Becvar (Proc. Conf. Olomouc Chehoslovakia 1979), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 74, Springer 1979, 208–218.
5. Andreka, H., Nemeti, I., Sain, I.: Henkin-type semantics for program schemes to turn negative results to positive. In: Fundamentals of Computation Theory '79, ed.: L. Budach (Proc.Conf.Berlin 1979) Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1979, Band 2, 18–24.