1. Bäuerle, R., F. Guenthner, M. Krifka & R. Mayer Zur Grammatik von Unfallbeschreibungen, SNS-Script, Universität Tübingen, 1988.
2. Guenthner, F. "Linguistic Meaning in Discourse Representation Theory", FNS-Bericht-85-7, also in: Synthese, 1987.
3. Guenthner, F. "Discourse: Understanding in Context", to appear.
4. Kamp, H. "A Theory of Truth and Semantic Representation", in J. Groenendijk & al. (Eds.) Formal Methods in the Study of Language, Math. Centrum, 1981, 277–322, reprinted in: J. Groenendijk & al. (Eds.) Truth, Interpretation and Information, Foris, 1984.
5. Kamp, H. "Context, Thought and Communication", Aristotelian Society, New Series, 1984/1985.