1. Cunningham, Helen H and Mary V. Zaehringer. 1964. Effects of extended storage treatments on mealiness, sloughing, and sugar content of Russet Burbank potatoes. Abstract of paper presented at 48th annual meeting of the Potato Assn. of Amer., Amer. Potato J., 41: 295.
2. Sparks, W. C., K. W. Knutson, W. M. Iritani and J. E. Bryan. 1962. A study of factors affecting storage losses of potato tubers cut several months prior to planting. Idaho Agr. Res. Progress Report No. 63, March, 1962.
3. Talburt, William F. and Ora Smith. 1959. Potato Processing. The AVI Publishing Co., Inc. Westport, Connecticut p. 177