Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI): reflecting on 25 years


Eppig Janan T.,Richardson Joel E.,Kadin James A.,Ringwald Martin,Blake Judith A.,Bult Carol J.


NIH Office of the Director

National Human Genome Research Institute

National Cancer Institute

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



Reference62 articles.

1. Adissu HA, Estabel J, Sunter D, Tuck E, Hooks Y, Carragher DM, Clarke K, Karp NA, Sanger Mouse Genetics Project, Newbigging S, Jones N, Morikawa L, White JK, McKerlie C (2014) Histopathology reveals correlative and unique phenotypes in a high-throughput mouse phenotyping screen. Dis Model Mech 7:515–524

2. Andrews TD, Whittle B, Field MA, Balakishnan B, Zhang Y, Shao Y, Cho V, Kirk M, Singh M, Xia Y, Hager J, Winslade S, Sjollema G, Beutler B, Enders A, Goodnow CC (2012) Massively parallel sequencing of the mouse exome to accurately identify rare, induced mutations: an immediate source for thousands of new mouse models. Open Biol 2:120061

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4. Bassett JH, Gogakos A, White JK, Evans H, Jacques RM, van der Spek AH, Sanger Mouse Genetics Project, Ramirez-Solis R, Ryder E, Sunter D, Boyde A, Campbell MJ, Croucher PI, Williams GR (2012) Rapid-throughput skeletal phenotyping of 100 knockout mice identifies 9 new genes that determine bone strength. PLoS Genet 8:e1002858

5. Bello SM, Smith CL, Eppig JT (2015) Allele, phenotype and disease data at Mouse Genome Informatics: improving access and analysis. Mamm Genome. doi: 10.1007/s00335-015-9582-y







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