1. G. Pickett, Proc. Am. Concr. Inst. 44, (1948) 149.
2. K. Murakami, Proc. of the 5th Int. Symp. on Chem. of Cement, Tokyo, 1968, ed. (Cement Association of Japan, Tokyo, IV, 1969) p. 457.
3. A.A. Tabikh and M. Miller, J. Cem. and Conc. Res. 1 (1971) 663.
4. F.M. Lea, The Chemistry of Cement and concrete, 3rd. edition, (Edward Arnold Pub. Ltd., 1983) p. 308.
5. K.S. Harchand, R. Kumar, Vischwamittar and K. Chandra, Proc. Int. Conf. Appl. Mössbauer Effect, Indian National Science Acad., New Delhi, (1982) 296.