Rylands v Fletcher and the Emergence of Enterprise Liability in the Common Law


Oliphant Ken



Reference250 articles.

1. Rylands v Fletcher (1868) Law Reports (LR) 3 House of Lords (HL) 330.

2. See, especially, O.W. Holmes, The Common Law (1881), 116–7; F. Pollock, Duties of Insuring Safety: The Rule in Rylands v. Fletcher (1886) 2 Law Quarterly Review (LQR) 52; F.H. Bohlen, The Rule in Rylands v Fletcher (1911) 59 University of Pennsylvania Law Review (U Pa L Rev) 298, 373 and 423; E.R. Thayer, Liability without Fault (1916) 29 Harvard Law Review (Harv L Rev) 801; P.H. Winfield, Nuisance as a Tort (1931) 4 Cambridge Law Journal (CLJ) 189; F.V. Harper, Liability Without Fault and Proximate Cause (1932) 30 Michigan Law Review (Mich L Rev) 1001; W.L. Prosser, Nuisance without Fault (1942) 20 Texas Law Review (Tex L Rev) 399; C. Morris, Hazardous Enterprises and Risk Bearing Capacity (1952) 61 Yale Law Journal (Yale LJ) 1172; and P. Keeton, Trespass, Nuisance, and Strict Liability (1959) 59 Columbia Law Review (Colum L Rev) 457.

3. See C. Dalton, Losing History: Tort Liability in the Nineteenth Century and the Case of Rylands v Fletcher (unpublished typescript dated 1987); A.W.B. Simpson, Bursting Reservoirs and Victorian Tort Law: Rylands and Horrocks v. Fletcher (1868), in: Leading Cases in the Common Law (1995);

4. G.T. Schwartz, Rylands v Fletcher, Negligence and Strict Liability, in: P. Cane/J. Stapleton (eds.), Essays in Celebration of John Fleming (1998);

5. K. Stanton, The Legacy of Rylands v Fletcher, in: N.J. Mullany/A.M. Linden (eds.), Torts Tomorrow: A Tribute to John Fleming (1998);

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