The Dinaric Mountains versus the Western Carpathians: Is structural heterogeneity similar in close-to-primeval Abies–Picea–Fagus forests?


Paluch J.ORCID,Keren S.,Govedar Z.


AbstractIn this study, we analysed patterns of spatial variation in the basal area of live and dead trees and structural complexity in close-to-primeval forests in the Dinaric Mts. The results were compared with an analogous study conducted in the Western Carpathians. The research was carried out in the Janj, Lom and Perucića forest reserves (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in mixed-species stands of silver fir Abies alba Mill., European beech Fagus sylvatica L. and Norway spruce Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. In the core zones of the reserves, concentric sample plots (154 and 708 m2) were set in a regular 20 × 20 m grid covering approximately 10 ha. The analyses revealed varying distribution patterns of live canopy trees, suggesting that these characteristics may fluctuate to some extent at the regional level. At the spatial scale of 708 m2, attractive associations between dead canopy trees were found, but this tendency disappeared with increasing area. Although stands in the Dinaric Mts. are characterized by an almost twofold greater biomass accumulation compared to those from the Western Carpathians, the study revealed analogous bell-shaped distributions of stand basal areas of live trees and a very similar trend of decreasing variation in stand basal area and structural heterogeneity with increasing spatial scale. Nonetheless, the higher growing stocks, lower ratios of dead to live tree basal area and lower proportion of homogeneous structure types found in the Dinaric Mts. may suggest a less severe disturbance history over recent decades in this region compared to the Western Carpathians.


Narodowym Centrum Nauki

University of Agriculture in Krakow


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Plant Science,Forestry







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