1. Anonymous (1966–1990) Meteorologicheskij ezhemesjachnik [Meteorological monthly magazine]. Part 2. Issues 3, 3a, No. 1–13 for 1966–1990 (In Russian)
2. Anonymous (1975a) Spravochnik po klimatu SSSR [The handbook on climate of the USSR]. Issue 3a. Karelian ASSR. Annual weather records. Part 1. Air temperature. Obninsk (In Russian)
3. Anonymous (1975b) Spravochnik po klimatu SSSR [The handbook on climate of the USSR]. Issue 3a. Karelian ASSR. Annual weather records. Part VIII. Soil temperature. Obninsk (In Russian)
4. Anonymous (1977) Spravochnik po klimatu SSSR [The handbook on climate of the USSR]. Issue 3a. Karelian ASSR. Annual weather records. Part II. Atmospheric precipitations. Obninsk (In Russian)
5. Anonymous (2007) Ob utverzhdenii pravil uhoda za lesami [On approval of regulations for forests tending]. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, order No. 185, d. 16.07.2007 (In Russian)