A near-optimal approach to edge connectivity-based hierarchical graph decomposition


Chang Lijun,Wang Zhiyi


AbstractThe problem of efficiently computing all $$k$$ k -edge-connected components ($$k$$ k -ECCs) of a graph G for a user-givenk has been extensively studied recently in view of its importance in many applications. The $$k$$ k -ECCs of G for all possible values ofk form a hierarchical structure; that is, any two different $$k$$ k -ECCs for the same k value are disjoint and any $$k$$ k -ECC is contained in a unique $$(k\text {-}1)$$ ( k - 1 ) -ECC. In this paper, we study the problem of efficiently constructing the hierarchy tree of the $$k$$ k -ECCs for all possible k values, for a graph G. The existing approaches $$\textsf{TD}$$ TD and $$\textsf{BU}$$ BU construct the hierarchy tree in either a top-down manner or a bottom-up manner, with both having the time complexity of $${{\mathcal {O}}}\big (\delta (G)\times {\mathsf {T_{KECC}}} (G)\big )$$ O ( δ ( G ) × T KECC ( G ) ) , where $$\delta (G)$$ δ ( G ) is the degeneracy of G and $${\mathsf {T_{KECC}}} (G)$$ T KECC ( G ) is the time complexity of computing all $$k$$ k -ECCs of G for a specific k value. Here, the degeneracy of G is defined as the maximum value among the minimum vertex degrees of all subgraphs of G and is at most $$\sqrt{m}$$ m where m is the number of edges in G. To improve the time complexity, we propose a divide-and-conquer approach $$\textsf{DC}$$ DC running in $${{\mathcal {O}}}\big ( (\log \delta (G))\times {\mathsf {T_{KECC}}} (G)\big )$$ O ( ( log δ ( G ) ) × T KECC ( G ) ) time; this time complexity is optimal up to a logarithmic factor. However, a straightforward implementation of $$\textsf{DC}$$ DC would take $${{\mathcal {O}}}( (m + n) \log \delta (G))$$ O ( ( m + n ) log δ ( G ) ) main-memory space, which could easily run out-of-memory when processing large graphs; here, n is the number of vertices in G. To reduce the main-memory footprint of our algorithm, we propose adjacency array-based techniques to optimize the space complexity to $$2m+{{\mathcal {O}}}(n\log \delta (G))$$ 2 m + O ( n log δ ( G ) ) and denote our resulting algorithm by $$\mathsf {DC\text {-}AA}$$ DC - AA . As a by-product of $$\mathsf {DC\text {-}AA}$$ DC - AA , we also improve the space complexity of the state-of-the-art algorithm for computing all $$k$$ k -ECCs for a specific k to $$2m + {{\mathcal {O}}}(n)$$ 2 m + O ( n ) , by using the same technique as used in $$\mathsf {DC\text {-}AA}$$ DC - AA . Finally, we propose optimization techniques to improve the practical efficiency of the existing approach $$\textsf{BU}$$ BU and denote the space-optimized version of it as $$\mathsf {BU^*\text {-}AA}$$ BU - AA which runs in $${{\mathcal {O}}}\big (\delta (G)\times {\mathsf {T_{KECC}}} (G)\big )$$ O ( δ ( G ) × T KECC ( G ) ) time and $$2m+{{\mathcal {O}}}(n)$$ 2 m + O ( n ) space. Extensive experiments on large real graphs and synthetic graphs demonstrate that our algorithms $$\mathsf {DC\text {-}AA}$$ DC - AA and $$\mathsf {BU^*\text {-}AA}$$ BU - AA outperform the state-of-the-art approaches by up to 28 times in terms of running time and by up to 8 times in terms of main memory usage. In particular, our approach $$\mathsf {BU^*\text {-}AA}$$ BU - AA processes the Twitter graph, which has more than 1 billion undirected edges, in 29 min with 13.5 GB memory, while the state-of-the-art approaches take more than 13 h after our space optimization; note that the state-of-the-art approaches run out-of-memory if without our space optimization. Our empirical study also shows that $$\mathsf {BU^*\text {-}AA}$$ BU - AA , despite having a higher time complexity, performs better than $$\mathsf {DC\text {-}AA}$$ DC - AA in practice. We also remark that $$\mathsf {BU^*\text {-}AA}$$ BU - AA is much simpler and easier to implement than $$\mathsf {DC\text {-}AA}$$ DC - AA .


Australian Research Council


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Hardware and Architecture,Information Systems

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