DynQ: a dynamic query engine with query-reuse capabilities embedded in a polyglot runtime


Schiavio FilippoORCID,Bonetta DanieleORCID,Binder WalterORCID


AbstractLanguage-integrated query (LINQ) frameworks offer a convenient programming abstraction for processing in-memory collections of data, allowing developers to concisely express declarative queries using popular programming languages. Existing LINQ frameworks rely on the type system of statically typed languages such as C$$^\sharp $$ or Java to perform query compilation and execution. As a consequence of this design, they do not support dynamic languages such as Python, R, or JavaScript. Such languages are however very popular among data scientists, who would certainly benefit from LINQ frameworks in data-analytics applications. The gap between dynamic languages and LINQ frameworks has been partially bridged by the recent work DynQ, a novel query engine designed for dynamic languages. DynQ is language-agnostic, since it is able to execute SQL queries on all languages supported by the GraalVM platform. Moreover, DynQ can execute queries combining data from multiple sources, namely in-memory object collections as well as on-file data and external database systems. The evaluation of DynQ shows performance comparable with equivalent hand-optimized code, and in line with common data-processing libraries and embedded databases, making DynQ an appealing query engine for standalone analytics applications and for data-intensive server-side workloads. In this work, we extend DynQ addressing the problem of optimizing high-throughput workloads in the context of fluent APIs. In particular, we focus on applications which make use of data-processing libraries mostly for executing many queries on small batches of datasets, e.g., in micro-services, as well as applications which make use of data-processing libraries within recursive functions. For this purpose, we present reusable compiled queries, a novel approach to query execution which allows reusing the same dynamically compiled code for different queries. As we show in our evaluation, thanks to reusable compiled queries, DynQ can also speed up applications that heavily use data-processing libraries on small datasets using a typical fluent API.




Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Hardware and Architecture,Information Systems








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